The ITICON 2011 conferences is the forty eighth annual conferences being held under the auspices of the Tamil Nadu Branch Of AIOTA ( All India occupational therapy association).  OTICON will be held on January 9th, 10th, and 11th January, 2011 in the great city of Chennai.

 Occupational therapy is an essential service and resource to promote and support health and well-being for the people. Occupational therapists are regulated health professionals having skills and knowledge to provide an evidence-based approach to help others identify, engage in and achieve their desired potential in their occupations. Occupational therapists build relationships with consumers, other professionals and decision-makers to promote a vision for a well-designed health human resources workforce.

An integrated occupational therapy service is delivered across acute and community hospitals and community and intermediate care. Occupational therapy is generally recognized as a profession that is developing and reacting to change by embracing its occupational nature. Within this, there is also recognition that not all practitioners find it easy to attain or retain an occupational, client-centered focus to their work. The Occupational Therapists recognize that a sustainable and effective integrated health human resources workforce is essential to respond to the health needs of the population. All people should have access to the right professionals at the right time in their communities throughout their lifetimes. OT believes that effective health human resources planning is informed by evidence in order to respond to existing and projected population health needs. This would be a platform to bring all health care professionals together for improving awareness.

Many eminent experts, delegates, and researchers will be deliberating extensively in this conference. The deliberations in this conference by a wide variety of people would help in new innovations in this upcoming area. As a conference is the only way to exchange thoughts, this conference will definitely be able to find out some ways to develop new techniques in this area.

In this great city of Chennai, the number of people aware of Occupational therapy and its scope are quite few. It is time to make aware the masses about Occupational Therapy and its role and the need of Occupational Therapy intervention. We should work on creating a positive environment to bolster the growth of the profession in the state.

With full motivation and determination we all need to work together to bring this conference to be of great success. Also we need to build our team with hard work and team spirit. So please unite with us and make a contribution to make this conference the most memorable event in Tamil Nadu.!!!!!!! And we all welcome you heartily to the great CHENNAI CITY.....COME and ENJOY!!!